The Beaches Town Center is celebrating all things spooky and fun with the 2022 Fall Festival and Costume Contest! Enjoy "Trunk"-or-Treating where children can visit decorated golf carts for candy, treats and goodies. Make-your-own crafts, games and refreshments will be provided.
Register for the costume contest and be eligible to win prizes donated by Beaches Town Center businesses!
Sponsored by the Beaches Town Center Agency & Merchant's Association.
The Fletcher H.S. Interact Club Volunteers make this event possible!
Calling all Golf Carts!
Please join us at the Beaches Town Center Children's Fall Fest Trunk or Treat and Costume Party on October 26th from 5pm-7pm.
This year we will offer a fun interactive path of decorated golf carts for the children to enjoy. Residents and businesses are welcome to decorate their golf carts and hand out treats to the children.
Prizes are awarded for the best decorated golf carts. It will be a blast for all who attend!
Prize Categories:
1. Overall Best Decorated
2. Most Original
3. Best Group Effort
Set-up for golf carts start at 4:15pm Must Bring Candy for 250-500 kids
Click HERE to purchase your Golf Cart Ticket!